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Ethical channel


MAYASA makes this Ethical Channel available to all members of the entity and the third parties with whom it relates, through which they can communicate, confidentially and securely, any infraction committed within the organization about which they have knowledge or well-founded suspicions, in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Information System Management Policy and Procedure. MAYASA guarantees the absence of retaliation against anyone who makes the communication in good faith, meaning that they provide the information in an honest, complete and accurate manner, acting in the rational belief that the facts or indications are true.

Information for the informant

Carry out your communication, you will be redirected to a platform managed by Whistleblower Software, a specialized company that has appropriate technical measures to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the information, as well as anonymity when you choose this type of communication.

  • Instructions for use of the complaints communication channel

    Download pdf
  • Internal Information System Policy and Internal Information System Procedure

    Download pdf